Alliance Maker
As US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel prepares to hand over the reins to a new envoy, he talks to The ACCJ Journal about the experience, the importance of the alliance, and the future.
ACCJ Person of the Year Rahm Emanuel reflects on three years as the US ambassador to Japan
After being tapped by US President Joe Biden to serve as the nation’s ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel arrived in Tokyo in January 2022 at a pivotal moment for the world. The Covid-19 pandemic was raging, Japan’s border closures were wreaking havoc on the business community, and the ripple effects were exposing vulnerabilities across the region.
Strengthening the bilateral relationship was essential. During his time as chief of mission, Emanuel has tirelessly worked to build bonds that foster a prosperous future not only for the United States and Japan, but for the entire Indo–Pacific.
In recognition of his strong support, the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan named Emanuel its 2024 Person of the Year and honored him with a special event on October 23 at Tokyo American Club.
As he prepares to hand over the reins to a new envoy, the 31st US ambassador to Japan talks to The ACCJ Journal about the experience, the importance of the alliance, and the future.
How can the business community strengthen the US–Japan alliance?
The US–Japan alliance is far from limited to our far-reaching security cooperation and the alliance’s place at the heart of a new latticework of security partnerships across the Indo–Pacific. That, of course, is fundamental to our relationship and to our collective deterrence in the region, but the United States and Japan have made strides on every front over the past three years.
As the largest foreign direct investor in each other’s economies, our two nations are persistently pursuing opportunities to forge closer links in business and research. In the fast-evolving environment of emerging technologies, our tech firms and academic institutions have the opportunity to lead the way in the research and development of artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, semiconductors, and other cutting-edge scientific fields.
But just as important as technological advances are our measures to protect them. This means tightening our export controls to ensure that technologies such as advanced AI chips don’t end up in the hands of adversaries with malign intentions. Ultimately, this is about securing our intellectual property, our economies, and the jobs of tomorrow.
“As the largest foreign direct investor in each other’s economies, our two nations are persistently pursuing opportunities to forge closer links in business and research.”
Of course, we need to ensure we have the relevant education programs in place to train the workers who will be shaping these 21st-century technologies. The United States and Japan have made real progress in this area through partnerships between tech companies and universities. We now need to keep up the momentum by continuing to expand and enhance these talent pipelines.
Investment is the fuel of great business ideas and ambitious thinking. Since the United States has a flourishing venture capital ecosystem, there are boundless opportunities for cooperation in this area between US and Japanese companies. Japan has long been a source of innovation and invention. It’s just a matter of finding the funding to ensure those ideas can take flight.
One area with huge potential is Japan’s biotechnology sector. An increasing number of start-ups are drawing interest from investors here. With greater collaboration and support from US biotech enterprises, and investors with expertise in the sector, Japan can become a leading biotech hub, not just in Asia but globally.
How do talent hurdles and gaps in DEI and marriage equality impact the alliance’s economic strength?
Japan faces the dual challenges of a rapidly aging society and a declining birthrate, which means that the country doesn’t have a person or a talent to lose when it comes to winning the 21st century.
Every country, including the United States and Japan, has a long way to go in fully implementing the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. But if we are to build well-functioning societies and thriving economies, we need to leverage all our assets. It’s about properly and fairly employing the people we have and embracing an ethos of lifelong learning, upskilling, and retraining.
How can we best collaborate on AI?
Looking at the speed at which AI is being developed and adopted, there is no time to lose in ensuring the United States, Japan, and our allies remain at the forefront of this technology. It is imperative that we set the pace in its continuing evolution and in establishing a fully functioning, well-regulated ecosystem that is aligned with our laws and interests. The sector is already seeing a lot of research and development cooperation and cross-border investment between the United States and Japan. Having talked to many major players in the field, I am confident that this trend will only grow.
During former Prime Minister [Fumio] Kishida’s state visit to Washington in April, we saw the launch of an initiative between US and Japanese universities and private sector partners in both countries to boost AI-focused research and workforce development.
The partnerships between Carnegie Mellon and Keio Universities, and between the Universities of Washington and Tsukuba, are supported by $110 million in investment from Microsoft and other US concerns as well as a consortium of nine Japanese companies.
Similar partnerships between Japanese and US universities and leading tech companies were launched in the fields of semiconductors and quantum computing last year. Both programs are about making groundbreaking advances that will have global benefits while educating the workforce of tomorrow.
Empowering our best and brightest in these critical fields will pay dividends both for our two nations and the world.
How can cooperation on climate change and clean energy be strengthened?
Two of the greatest challenges facing us all are climate change and energy security. Just as in so many other sectors, the United States and Japan are well placed to combine their respective scientific expertise in the development of new and cleaner energy technologies.
Earlier this year, Japan became the first international collaborator in America’s Floating Offshore Wind Shot initiative, which aims to reduce costs associated with the energy source. Having committed ¥120 billion to the development of wind technology and launching the Floating Offshore Wind Technology Research Association (FLOWRA) this year, Japan clearly recognizes the enormous potential of offshore wind.
Our two countries are also partnering on advanced small nuclear reactor technology, for which demand is only set to increase as we build more data centers to power generative AI. Meanwhile, Japan’s largely untapped geothermal energy resources hold tremendous opportunities for further collaboration between Japanese and US energy corporations.
These areas of private sector cooperation and investment not only reinforce our energy security but also offer us opportunities for growth in other markets, as we join forces to help developing countries devise their own clean energy solutions and infrastructures.
How important has the US–Japan Year of Tourism been following the border closures?
While the news in Japan is dominated by the record-breaking numbers of inbound tourists, the number of Japanese tourists visiting the United States continues to rise following the pandemic. Destinations such as Hawaii and New York City remain extremely popular, and, thanks to a certain Japanese baseball player by the name of Shohei Ohtani, Los Angeles—and Dodger Stadium, in particular—welcomed thousands of fans over the course of the MLB season this year. With Shohei recently named the National League’s MVP, we can expect to see even more Japanese travelers heading to California and elsewhere in the States when the 2025 season kicks off.
There are few places in the world with the sheer diversity of natural wonders and cultural and culinary experiences. Next year’s Expo 2025 in Osaka will be a chance to truly showcase all that the United States has to offer. Our interactive pavilion is designed to inspire visitors to learn more about the United States, explore the country in person, and even consider studying there. We expect the expo to help boost visitor numbers to the United States in 2025 and in the years ahead.
The recent agreement to establish Japan as our 18th Global Entry partner country couldn’t come at a better time, and is sure to enhance the travel experience of Japanese visitors to the United States. Since Japan is our largest foreign direct investor, and Japanese companies employ nearly a million Americans, it makes good business sense to make entry as straightforward and as stress-free as possible for pre-approved visitors. This latest agreement is another reflection of the strength of our bilateral ties.
How important was the Biden–Kishida summit?
[Former] Prime Minister Kishida’s state visit in April ushered in a new era for the alliance. It cemented the work we had been doing for the previous two years to deepen our cooperation in a multitude of areas. Security might be a key pillar of our partnership, but we are leveraging our strengths to drive innovation and growth on every front, from energy and education to science and space exploration. The United States and Japan, as President Biden reiterated during the state visit, are global partners whose endeavors and achievements are being felt across the Indo–Pacific and beyond.
The alliance is now at the heart of a new latticework of multilateral partnerships across the Indo–Pacific. By replacing our “hub-and-spoke” architecture of regional bilateral relationships with multilateral cooperation and consensus, we have built an energized environment of trust and dynamism in the region.
The historic trilateral partnerships we forged with Japan and South Korea and with Japan and the Philippines—as well as the work of the Quad strategic grouping of the United States, Japan, India, and Australia—boost our deterrence in the Indo–Pacific while providing renewed momentum for greater cooperation and integration between countries and economies. One thing is for certain: There is much more to come in the years ahead.
“What we do over the next three years will determine our presence and our vision over the next 30 in the region.” That line from my confirmation hearing in 2021 turned out to be my guiding principle during my time here.
How might Japan’s new political landscape impact bilateral cooperation?
Our efforts over the past three years to strengthen the US–Japan alliance, and to reassure allies and partners that the United States is a permanent Pacific power and presence, have received universal support from across the political spectrum on both sides of the Pacific.
There is a clear understanding in Japan and in the United States that the alliance forms the bedrock of our collective deterrence in the region, and that continued cooperation with other regional partners and allies is critical to confronting a China that seems intent on dominating its neighbors and forcing the region to play by its rules.
How has Japan changed your view of America?
Distance has given me perspective on both America’s strengths and challenges. My first few weeks in Tokyo were certainly eye-opening. Seeing people leave valuables on tables or benches while they went to get coffee or jog around the Imperial Palace revealed a level of social trust I had never witnessed before.
Equally bewildering—but beautiful—was the sight of young schoolchildren walking alone to and from school each day, with cars coming to a complete stop when children raised their hands in the air before crossing the road. Those scenes highlight to me how much kids in the United States have been robbed of their innocence. We make so many compromises and concessions for our safety in America. It’s been liberating to be free of that constant and nagging concern.
What I have been repeatedly reminded of while here is the dynamism of America’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. Our unique and unrivaled environment of venture capital firms and angel investors is what drives innovation and invention.
Our university research programs and private-sector tie-ups are unmatched, too. It’s no surprise that so many entrepreneurs, start-ups, and scientists gravitate to the United States—a place that embraces risk, encourages expression, and champions big thinking.
What is your message to the next ambassador?
The past three years have been about shoring up alliances, building multilateral partnerships, and strengthening our security commitments. With a firm framework now in place, the years and decades ahead will be about developing those strategic relationships and initiatives further while ensuring that the stability of the Indo–Pacific is protected and its economic vibrancy preserved.
A Bishop Scholar’s Journey
As his time as the first Bishop Memorial Scholar draws to a close, we sit down with Matthew Trani to learn about the experience and how he hopes to maintain his ACCJ connections.
As his internship ends, Matthew Trani shares impressions of the ACCJ and a message for future recipients.
Following the tragic deaths of Bill Bishop, his wife Izumi, and their daughter Sophianna on Christmas morning 2022, the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) and the United States–Japan Bridging Foundation came together to honor their legacy. Launched in July 2023, the Bishop Family Memorial Scholarship Fund brings US students to Temple University, Japan Campus, where Bishop was a lecturer and board member. It also provides an internship at the chamber.
The ACCJ Journal interviewed the first recipient, Matthew Trani, last December, two months into his internship. As his time as a Bishop Memorial Scholar draws to a close, we again sat down with Trani to learn about the experience and how he hopes to maintain his ACCJ connections.
How do you feel about your internship ending?
Odd, because it almost feels like I’m leaving the community that I’ve been attached to—almost to a point of dependency—for the past eight months. There aren’t many places where you can have a working relationship and be able to just casually talk to people in Japan as a foreigner. That feeling hasn’t changed since our first interview.
How will you maintain your ACCJ relationships after you leave?
A lot depends on if I can convince my new company to become a member. If that were to happen, then I would potentially be back within a relatively short time.
But I think I can still connect regardless, as I’ve met as many members outside the chamber as I have through the chamber; they’re all in the same circles. When I get invited to somebody’s house, there will be a professor from Temple there, or someone from Tokyo American Club or the embassy. The network is so tight that they’re never more than one connection away.
Did making connections remain your number one goal?
A little bit. The priority did change from the beginning of the year. Making connections was great, but I needed a job to continue living here. A lot of the companies to which I was thinking of applying are ACCJ members, but I needed to figure things out on my own, which I did. The biggest difficulty is switching from a student visa to a work visa. I was very lucky to find a company that had the patience to do that.
Now, it should be a lot easier to use those connections in the future. So, I would say my goal didn’t change, but now that I’ve achieved my secondary goal, I can go back to my primary goal, which is to continue making and maintaining connections.
Beyond connections, what did you gain most from this experience?
I probably wouldn’t have had the chance to work in a corporate environment where I interacted with so many executives all at once. It’s kind of [remarkable] seeing somebody where it’s like, “Oh, you’re the CEO of Bloomberg Japan, which is the same company my dad works for in New York.” But this is someone that my dad would not usually be able to talk to. And it’s very different having Victor Osumi, as the president of Delta in Japan, saying hi to you and being on a first name basis.
Matthew Trani with ACCJ Executive Director Laura Younger
Where were you most involved at the ACCJ?
That changed over the course of the year. When I started, I was going to a lot of events and getting most of my networking connections early on. Then it shifted to more back-office work, and I worked a lot in Membership and we did some assignments on the competitive advantage of the ACCJ. That project took time to flesh out and get it to how we wanted it for the board.
On the whole, I definitely preferred the administrative work, with the exception of spreadsheets. I think with networking and helping at events it becomes much of the same routine, but when you deal with administrative materials, you can think a lot more critically. I really like jobs in which you can think deeply and try to solve problems.
What was your favorite event?
I learned so much from attending committee meetings. Often, I would think, “I didn’t know that, but that’s very interesting.” Or they would discuss things I’ve noticed in Japan but didn’t have the opportunity to say out loud.
We were at a meeting of the Tourism and Hospitality Committee and they were talking about how Japanese people aren’t going abroad, so domestic airlines are empty. Typically, it’s Japanese people who take those airlines, while foreigners take airlines from their home country.
It’s really crazy that a lot of the time you don’t have the opportunity to voice things like that, but the committees do so and work toward resolving those issues through advocacy papers and other things.
What would you tell future Bishop Scholars?
This is the best opportunity in Japan for a college student, one you never imagined you’d get. That’s what it was for me; I never expected that I would have the opportunity to do this during my time in Japan, and I never planned around it when I originally booked my study abroad. You can’t plan on where you’re going. I would say to all the Bishop Scholars who come after me, I’m sure you probably feel the same, so just roll with it and see where this opportunity takes you.
Trani completed his internship with the ACCJ in late April and is expected to begin working in Japan in mid-June, after having graduated from Hofstra University in late May.
Bishop Scholar
Matthew Trani, the first recipient of the Bishop Family Memorial Scholarship Fund, arrived in September. The Long Island native shares his path to Japan and where he hopes the opportunity will lead him.
Matthew Trani, the first recipient of the Bishop Family Memorial Scholarship, shares what the opportunity means to him.
Trani performing at the ACCJ Charity Ball on December 2 at the Hilton Tokyo. (Photo: MediaSense K.K.)
Last year, on Christmas morning, Bill Bishop, his wife Izumi, and their daughter Sophianna lost their lives. The tragic death of Bishop, a longtime member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ), shook the community. Over 50 years, the South Dakota native became a key part of the US business community in Japan and a devoted leader of the chamber’s Healthcare Committee.
In his memory, the ACCJ and the United States–Japan Bridging Foundation launched the Bishop Family Memorial Scholarship Fund in July. The scholarship supports students who will come from the US to study at Temple University, Japan Campus, where Bishop was a lecturer and board member.
The first Bishop Scholar, Matthew Trani, arrived in September and, in addition to studying at Temple, began his internship at the chamber. The ACCJ Journal sat down with Trani to learn about his path to Japan and where he hopes the opportunity will lead him.
Tell us about your background.
I’m from Long Island, New York, and have been living there for the past 21 years. I went to high school and college about 15 minutes from my home.
Originally, I enrolled in Hofstra University to study music and political science. I got into music about 13 years ago, being strongly suggested to do so by my parents. I joined a chorus and learned to sing. That turned into an overall love of music. In high school, my voice matured, and it was good, so I ended up singing at a lot of functions. I performed at Carnegie Hall and sometimes on TV. And just this month I got to perform at the ACCJ Charity Ball.
When it was time to enter university, I was shopping around for scholarships and got a decent-sized one, along with a grant, from Hofstra. So, I went there. But other than the fact that I was a performance major, I really didn’t know what my plans were from there.
What got you interested in Japan?
I had to choose a language course, and my mom had taken Japanese at Villanova University. She recommended that I take it. I ended up studying Japanese for three semesters. In my third semester, I decided to switch to a double major in Japanese and music while keeping my minor in political science. I intended to study abroad or work in Japan after college anyway, but I wasn’t sure how it was going to line up.
I was thinking about applying to several places like the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Waseda University, and Keio University, but I ran into Temple University, Japan Campus and ended up going there because the college transfer between US universities is much easier.
How did you become a Bishop Scholar?
My major adviser in the US recommended that I apply for the Bridging Scholarship through both the American Association of Teachers of Japan and the United States-Japan Bridging Foundation, which partners with other organizations in Japan, including the ACCJ. I got a notice of acceptance in mid-June. With it came an intriguing email from Tom Mason, executive director of the Bridging Foundation. He said: “I have an opportunity that I think you might like. Reply back with a time either tomorrow or the day after so that we can do a Zoom call.” There were no other details.
I thought, “What else could this be?” I already knew that I had been awarded the Bridging Scholarship. On the call, [Mason] explained that the ACCJ was looking to establish a new scholarship in remembrance of Bill Bishop. Because of Bishop’s activity as a board member and lecturer, the scholar was to be a Temple University student in Japan, and they wanted to award me the scholarship.
What are your first impressions of the ACCJ?
I would say the interactions are very community focused, even among staff. Everybody looks out for each other, and they want you to push yourself, but not too hard. I can learn a lot and be able to work in ways that I hadn’t previously. And I like that the chamber is not really partisan in any way. They’re about what they can do to best support member businesses in Japan and the lives of foreigners as a whole.
What do you want to focus on?
I have been very involved in assisting at events but, given my background in political science, I would like to be more involved in external affairs. Generally speaking, I want to get more people’s opinions on the organization and the greater business community in Japan. Events are the best way to do that, and I think I’m already there in some respects.
Has there been a favorite event?
I really enjoyed the How Technology is Driving Innovation in Healthcare event. I found it interesting despite not being involved in that industry at all. I think, sometimes, not being involved makes it more interesting, because you don’t really know what the new innovations in those industries are. The event gives you a glimpse into what’s being worked on that you otherwise wouldn’t know about.
What do you most want to gain from the internship?
Number one is making new connections. I think I’ve been doing that and, fortunately, I have a lot of time to continue doing so. Second is an understanding of day-to-day operations. I had never worked in an office environment before the ACCJ, and I want to get a sense of how that works.
Trani will intern at the ACCJ until April 2024 and is expected to graduate from Hofstra University in May after completing his studies at Temple University, Japan Campus.
Strengthening Cyber Risk Management
ACCJ member Ted Sato shares how his new cybersecurity book, written in collaboration with Keidanren, came about and discusses the issues it addresses.
Keidanren collaboration delivers book with practical advice to corporate leaders
As concern about cyber risk grows in Japan, a new book by veteran American Chamber of Commerce in Japan member and Marsh Japan, Inc. Senior Vice President Ted Sato aims to help corporate management find the most effective approach to mitigating risk and effectively responding to events.
Sato authored the book with Toshinori Kajiura, a member of Keidanren (the Japan Business Federation) and a senior researcher for information and communications technology policy at Hitachi. Kajiura was previously chair of Keidanren’s Working Group on Cybersecurity Enhancement.
🔼 Watch the video above for more insights from Sato himself.
Published in February by the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, a Japanese industry newspaper, Strengthening Cyber Risk Management: A Keidanren Handbook to Cyber Risk Management is designed to provide corporate managers with practical guidance for dealing with cyber risk.
Not to be confused with cybersecurity, cyber risk is defined by the US Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology as the “risk of financial loss, operational disruption, or damage from the failure of the digital technologies employed for informational and/or operational functions introduced to a manufacturing system via electronic means from the unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of the manufacturing system.”
Sato told The ACCJ Journal that the book, which spans more than 200 pages, was written by professionals from the battlefield in easy-to-understand language. “We wanted corporate managers to be able to ask effective questions at the earliest stages of any cyber risk event. That is very important.”
“We wanted corporate managers to be able to ask effective questions at the earliest stages of any cyber risk event. That is very important.”
The idea came after a series of events last May which Sato conceived with Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun. The well-received sessions showed corporate managers how to deal with cyber risk, not solely as a technical issue but to emphasize management and factors related to organizational culture.
Keidanren had been hosting its own events since 2014, working to change the mind-set of corporate management on this critical issue. The organization built on Sato’s efforts to bring together professionals with similar motivation to create the Cyber Risk Management Japan Study Group, which was a supporting contributor to the book.
These efforts were also supported by the late Hiroaki Nakanishi, who was chair of Hitachi and Keidanren and contributed the foreword.
The book’s core advice draws on a 2014 report by the Internet Security Alliance and the National Association of Corporate Directors’ handbook on cyber risk, which recommends a one-team approach to corporate management. Beginning with the importance of expert advice from outside the company, the book advises an “art of science” approach that balances technology, human factor management, and operational excellence to ensure an organization’s readiness, response and recovery, and recurrence prevention.
The book has been well received by reviewers for its practical guidance.
“It is very meaningful to promote cooperation with experienced US firms at this early stage for Japanese companies,” Sato said. “If all goes well, next we plan to make an English version to share in Asia.”
In Defense of Strong Relations
Those movies in which a fighter pilot steps into the role of president and leads everyone through challenging times are always inspirational. ACCJ President Om Prakash, also chief executive of Northrop Grumman Japan, is a US Air Force veteran who was a fighter pilot, test pilot, and vice wing commander of the 82nd Training Wing. In a year filled with opportunities in a transformed world, The ACCJ Journal sat down with Prakash at the Northrop Grumman office to learn more about his background and thoughts on the path ahead.
ACCJ President Om Prakash shares his thoughts on 2022 and the chamber
Listen to this story:
Those movies in which a fighter pilot steps into the role of president and leads everyone through challenging times are always inspirational. I’ve watched that story more than once, and as 2022 began I got to interview someone doing just that. Only not for Hollywood.
American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) President Om Prakash, also chief executive of Northrop Grumman Japan, is a US Air Force veteran who was a fighter pilot, test pilot, and vice wing commander of the 82nd Training Wing. His time in the service, as well as at the Pentagon, has given him important perspectives on the US–Japan relationship, experience ideal for guiding the chamber through the third year of the pandemic and bilateral challenges.
In a year filled with opportunities in a transformed world, The ACCJ Journal sat down with Prakash at the Northrop Grumman office to learn more about his background and thoughts on the path ahead.
What brought you to Japan?
I have lots of reasons to want to be here, but ultimately, I am here for my job. My company asked me to come here. But part of it is that I have a background that put me in a unique position to be particularly effective for the company. I studied engineering at MIT, and then served in the US Air Force for about 26 years. Early in my career, I was stationed in Aomori Prefecture, at Misawa Air Base. I was an intelligence officer back then, and that is the first time I lived in Japan for an extended period.
I spent most of my career as a pilot and test pilot in many of the United States’ worldwide operations over the past few decades. I gained a lot of experience working with Japan as an ally, including some time in the Pentagon, where I worked on industrial policy issues and with Congress. Previous to coming here, at Northrop Grumman, I focused on corporate and technology strategy. So, combat experience, a background in technology, and lots of policy experience with the government made me a very good match for taking over our operations in Japan, where our primary customer is the Japanese Self-Defense Force.
How did you get involved with the ACCJ?
Our company has been part of the ACCJ for several decades—we were one of the early members—so I was a member as our chief executive. Northrop Grumman is a defense company, so the Aerospace and Defense Committee was the one I had the most interaction with, most recently as chair. To me, the primary things the ACCJ does for its community are:
- Networking, getting to know other folks in the community
- Interaction with government to work on advocacy and clear opportunities for business in Japan
Those were the two main drivers that gave me passion for being involved with the ACCJ.
Has ACCJ membership helped push policy goals?
Yes, absolutely. There are some areas where, across sectors, we all agree. One of the most obvious, in the current situation, is that we all have been affected by the travel restrictions. That common voice from the ACCJ has been important in showing the pain brought to all types of businesses and in bringing about change.
Specific to aerospace and defense, with the other US companies, there are several times that we have had common ground to work on advocacy issues together. We’ve also had opportunities to talk with leadership from the Ministry of Defense and gain insight into their priorities for defending Japan. This year will be particularly interesting for aerospace and defense because Japan is in the midst of rewriting its national security strategy. It’s going to be a really important year.
“I feel very strongly that, if you look at the alliances across the world, the US–Japan alliance is the most important in all facets—military, economic, cultural—so, being a part of that for my company was something I was excited about doing.”
Has the chamber helped you?
On a professional level, I’ve known most of the folks in the aerospace and defense community already, but the ACCJ certainly broadened my network to other sectors. On a personal level, I love learning. I am curious about everything. So, getting to know more about the industries that are involved in Japan writ large has been both interesting and helpful. I’ve gained insights into the pain points faced by other industries. The pandemic has brought lots of opportunities for US businesses to share lessons learned and look for common support. And then, quite frankly, I’ve enjoyed making friends in the ACCJ, as well as participating in community events. In my first year here, I was able to go to the Charity Ball in person. It’s been virtual for the past two years. That was rewarding and fun at the same time.
Do other experiences stand out?
Well, the election has been pretty involving for me! It actually wasn’t something I was seeking—the Nominations Committee came and asked me to run—but it is my nature to always raise my hand and volunteer; and in this case I was especially happy to do so. Frankly, this is an exciting year we have in front of us, so I am thrilled at the opportunity. Going through that process gave me access to an even wider group of people, and learning more about how the chamber works to serve its members has been rewarding and fascinating. I’m sure it will be topped by the actual experience itself in the year ahead.
Why did you choose to take on the role of president?
In many ways, it’s a variation on the question of why I came to Japan in the first place. When I look across the globe at where there is potential for conflict, and where there are real issues between nations, it’s right here in this part of the world—who would have expected a land war in Europe? Think of what that means for us here, where tensions and stakes are in many ways much higher. I’m the type of person who likes to run towards a burning building, not away from it, to see what I can do. I feel very strongly that, if you look at the alliances across the world, the US–Japan alliance is the most important in all facets—military, economic, cultural—so, being a part of that for my company was something I was excited about doing; it felt like a continuation of my Air Force career. The ACCJ is a whole other level of that.
This year, in Japan, we have the administration of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida making major policy changes. There’s a new minister for economic security. They’re rewriting the national security strategy, the National Defense Program Guideline, which is going to govern how they spend the largest discretionary portion of their budget.
In the United States, we are still going through a full transition to our new administration. And we now have an ambassador in Japan, Rahm Emanuel. That’s going to make it a particularly dynamic and important year. There are lots of opportunities for the ACCJ to make a positive impact on the US–Japan relationship, do good things for business, and, more importantly, do good things for both our nations.
What is the focus for 2022 bilateral ties?
All nations have suffered impacts to their economies as a result of the pandemic, and there are probably inclinations to look inward. But these are the times when we need to rely on friends more than ever, and the United States and Japan have a special relationship. There have been periods in our history when we’ve viewed each other with less than cooperative eyes, and other times when things have been more open. I believe right now, in particular, we have to make sure we keep pushing for what’s good for both economies. It’s not just a one-sided thing for the United States; I think we can thrive together. It’s not a zero-sum scenario. We can grow opportunities for all. And when we look at some of the nation states that are potential adversaries, we can only succeed by cooperating and combining our strengths.
What are the ACCJ’s key initiatives and advocacy points?
Last year, we spent a lot of time focused on digital transformation; and there is still work to be done. I think that will be critical for tying the US and Japanese economies together. There is lots of work on regulatory frameworks and common operating standards, and a level playing field that we need to have in place so that our businesses can thrive. We can work together. That will be an ongoing topic for some time.
Something that I think will be new in 2022 is having our voice heard as Japan works on its national security strategy and economic security. That will have economic implications for several sectors, and we need to look clearly at how the ACCJ can get involved in making a case for things that will help both our economies and national security postures.
How is diversity and inclusion in Japan? Can the ACCJ help?
In Japan there is, of course, improvement to be made. That’s not just my opinion, there are many surveys and analyses of Japan’s economy and its record with inclusion—specifically related to women in the workforce. With an aging population, that’s an untapped potential resource. Coming from the United States also influences how I feel about the topic. When you get a diverse set of folks together, you get a better product no matter what it is you’re working on. The ACCJ should continue its advocacy in this area, and we have many examples of where inclusion has brought great outcomes.
How can the ACCJ best support members in 2022?
It’s hard to predict what the year will bring. I look at the term Jenifer Rogers served as ACCJ president last year, and the challenges she faced. We didn’t expect that the pandemic would continue as it has for another entire year. Right now, we’re on the Omicron variant, and there are still nine letters left in the Greek alphabet. I hope we have a better future in front of us. I’d really like to see 2022 be the year that we return to networking and meeting each other at in-person events. I think we crave that human connection on many levels, not just for the business impact, but socially for our well-being and effectiveness. I hope we’re going to see that in 2022. But if not, we’ve learned a lot over the past two years and will continue to improve our effectiveness as a chamber.
“Having those spirited debates, where we learn from one another and so attain better outcomes, those are exciting things to be a part of.”
What have we learned from the ACCJ’s digital transformation?
We have definitely learned how to run meetings more effectively using all the telework software that’s available, and we can carry that over to our businesses. My personal experience is that ACCJ meetings have run very smoothly. As we have more potential to host hybrid events, we need to be mindful that these come with their own consequences, for example in terms of staff needed to run them. So, we’re going to have to look at when it makes sense for an event to be hybrid versus being only virtual.
We’ve also learned that there are lots of things we felt we could only do in person but, having no choice, now do virtually. And now that we have a choice, let’s not forget the good things we’ve learned from hybrid and virtual scenarios, especially in terms of how much more inclusive we can be. Obviously, we don’t want the entire structure to be online-only all the time, but there are times when it makes absolute sense.
If we were hundreds of years in the future, there are a lot of things that maybe would be a given for how we do business. We had to get there a lot sooner, because we had no choice, which isn’t a bad thing. So, we’ll continue to evolve.
In what ways might changes to the ACCJ Constitution benefit members?
I know that Jenifer and the team last year focused a lot, as an advocacy issue, on governance reform in Japan. They reinforced that inside the ACCJ with reform of the chamber’s governance. I think that was the perfect example to set. Additionally, making the chamber efficient and able to represent and serve its membership is critical. I applaud the team last year for taking on a topic that is challenging, because we all have strong feelings. That’s one of the great things about the ACCJ. We are a volunteer group for the most part, so we’re putting in our time for things we feel passionate about. I look at those as great developments last year.
What might be the long-term effects of Japan’s border restrictions? Sometimes, when we consider this question, we may be too narrow in our thinking. There’s a political dynamic across the globe. Governments are responsive to their constituencies. If we look at it simply as a business issue or a science issue, we’re sometimes going to miss and talk past each other when we’re trying to be effective.
I feel the key when we talk about advocacy regarding entry restrictions is to focus on the business impacts. They are real, and some of them will be long term—especially when you consider things on a global scale and juxtapose the decisions made here with those of other nations looking to revitalize their economies. I think framing our advocacy in those terms will be more helpful.
Ultimately, however we come out of this, there will be a certain degree of feeling that we learned something as a species that we’re not going to unlearn. Maybe our tolerance to risk and how we approach decision-making have been forever changed. From what I understand of the 1918 flu pandemic, ultimately, you could say that it ended socially well before it came to a scientific end. It was more a change in our thought pattern for what risk we were willing to accept and how we were willing to operate. I won’t be surprised if we see something similar with Covid-19.
Anything else you would like to say to members?
It may be recycling something I said earlier, but everyone I’ve met in the chamber—especially those serving in positions of responsibility on the Board of Governors and as committee leaders—are so passionate about what they do. And that’s a great group of people to work with. We’ll have our differences, but we’re professionals and we’ll work through things. Having those spirited debates, where we learn from one another and so attain better outcomes, those are exciting things to be a part of. As I said, I didn’t seek this position, but I’m super excited about leading the chamber, especially given the events going on around us as a community, in the United States and Japan, and around the globe.